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Nigerian content policy

The Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Act was signed into law on the 22nd April 2010. The Act provides for the development of Nigerian Content in the oil and gas industry. It also provided for the Nigerian Content Plan, Supervision, Coordination, Monitoring and Implementation of the Nigerian content, in support of the Nigerian Content Policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria in the oil and gas industry. Macnay Technical Limited is committed to maximizing in a sustainable manner the use of Nigerian human resources, materials, equipment, and services in its operations without compromising the company’s values, quality, health, safety and environmental standards.

In line with the above, we are focus in creating an environment that will allow for the maximization of local content and employment by providing the facilities and strategic location to enhance the development of Nigerian skilled labour and enterprise through:

  • Giving priority to the development of local expertise.
  • Developing a competent framework to achieve Nigerian Content Development
    (NCD) plan for Nigerian talents/skilled workforce.
  • Global exchange programs
  • Our goal is to remain the Company of choice in Nigeria and Africa at large.

In other to achieve this laudable vision, Mac-nay is committed to the following:

  • Nigerian Capacity Development
  • Domestication of our work programs.
  • Meeting world class quality standards and utilization of local raw materials.

The board has been a major partner in our success story through its various domestication
initiatives and programs geared towards actualizing the NCD objectives.